Rating Scale

When I’m looking to rate a wing, I am looking for a few key things. And for the purpose of this blog, hotness isn’t one of them. That’s subjective and while I may comment on it every once in awhile, it will absolutely never factor into the the final rating for the wing. That is – unless I feel that I should.

Subjective Stats:

  • Quality of Sauce: This should be obvious – that’s what I’m primarily rating here
  • Quality of Wings: Are they too big or small? Are they cooked so that they’re crispy?
  • Quality of Ranch + Bleu (R&B): This is an important aspect that one should never overlook when eating wings
  • Establishment Vibe: No ritzy shit. Give me some dive-bar blue collar vibes and w’re all set.

I will generate a final rating off of these four sub-categories upon whatever wighting I deem appropriate at the time.

Objective Stats: (General)

  • Drum/Flat Ratio: Typically you expect a 1:1 but some places will skew it a bit (almost always in favor of drums in my experience)
  • Flavor Category: Hot, buffalo, bbq, asian, etc.
  • Dry Rub vs. Sauce
  • Side of River: North Side, South Side, West Side
  • Neighborhood: Lincoln Park, Humboldt Park, etc.
  • Price/Wing