The day is now upon us.

Cooped up in my quarantine pad with nothing but booze, time, and B.O, I’ve finally managed to muster up the willpower to pull this site together. And if it isn’t obvious yet – I’m here to do wing reviews.

Side note: What the hell WordPress? It took me two months to figure out there’s a difference between WordPress.COM and WordPress.ORG. I’m not sure what exactly is going on there – but it’s super shady and I don’t like it. To the audience in the back: WORDPRESS.ORG is what you want. They’re out here trying to pull the bait n’ switch on ya.


Within a year hopefully I can get so good at blogging about being drunk at Chicago wing joints that I can parlay that into a gig as a “thought leader” and start writing blogs on so I can quit my day-job and start smelling my own farts for a living. Don’t laugh at me – we all gotta have dreams. Especially in these dark times.

But until then, you know where I am. And it’s right here: reviewing wings from some of the city’s best wing spots. And probably from some of the shitty spots too if we’re being honest. But at the end of the day I’m out here doing this for the PEOPLE. To make sure that none of us slip up when it’s a sunny summer day, there’s a breeze off the lake, and every cell in our bodies are just itching for a basket of wings and a cold, crisp beer.

Cheers Chicago!