About Us


I am the founder of Windy City Wings. Starting this blog has been a goal of mine for probably four years. At some point I can share the full backstory as a blog post.

I’m a Chicago-born, suburbs-raised (sorry) dude currently living in Logan Square. When I was 23 I lived on Sheffield a half block away from Wrigley Field and got to experience every beautiful moment that was the 2016 Chicago Cubs season.

I have a great group of friends in Chicago and I have always maintained a passion for wings. Throughout the years that friend group has egged me on to finally start my own wings review blog, and here we are.

I will try to inject humor in situations where it’s not warranted, and some of it you may find off-putting, unnecessary, or just downright unfunny. But that’s just my personality and I can’t help it. Please bear with me. Buckle in, keep all hands and feet inside the car at all times, and enjoy the ride.

And with that I present to you all: WINDY CITY WINGS!